Slimy Play

It’s another beautiful day, but chilly. We walked to a park nearby, a lovely park, but Wolf stayed in the wrap. I’ll take him on a warmer day to swing, and in the summer to the splash pad. The playground is really great. It has a very natural feel to it with wooden accents, and two huge, mature trees growing up the middle of it. It’s in a very shaded area surrounded by trees. It’s really quite magical. There was nobody there this morning. I can’t wait to see it covered in kids!

Yesterday we made some slime. The “recipe” I followed (poorly followed, that is) called for corn starch and water which left me with a liquid substance. I added flour until it became a sticky, slimy blob. I sprinkled in some spirulina for color and gave it Wolf in a bin. He loved it! He dug his hands in, squished them together, and watched it string between his hands as he pulled them apart. It, of course, got everywhere but washed off pretty easily. I will stop at nothing to make my little boy happy.

Today getting ready for our walk we both got frustrated. We were hot in our sweaters, tired, and definitely in need of fresh air. I hate getting frustrated with Wolf. It’s a struggle every day. Staying calm doesn’t come naturally to me. It’s something I am constantly working on now that I’m a mama. I won’t give up. I need to be my best self for Wolf. We both felt much better on our walk and once we got home Wolf fell straight asleep for a nap.

Wolf’s papa picked up extra work this weekend and will likely do so again for the next several weekends. I miss him, but I know he’s doing it for us and I’m so proud of him.

My sister will be visiting us soon, so I’d better clean up some of these toys which seem to have taken over most of the house. I don’t mind. I know my sister doesn’t either, but I should at least clear a path… just kidding, sort of.


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